Friday, November 26, 2010

Cali - Kilometer Diez y Ocho

Much of the day was spent shopping at a mall anchored by La Catorce, though on this particular expedition I sat in a little food court and tried, with only partial success to access the Internet through the advertised mall WiFi.

After the shopping was complete at the mall and a few other stores that were not represented in the mall we went back to Lucero`s for lunch before taking a drive to Kilometer Diez y Ocho (18), the highest point – 3,000 meters above sea level – on the road across the Occidental Cordillera between Cali and Buena Ventura.  The road was busy with buses and cars and quickly climbed through many twists and turns into the mist.  The views of the mountain peaks and valleys were spectacular as was the view of Cali laid out beneath us.

The temperature grew noticeably colder as we drove and then after around 5,000 meters we were in the mist.  Just past the peak at Kilometer 18 we stopped at a store selling flowers, plans and ceramic pots that was advertising a viewing spot.  There was no view because of the mist (but they did have bathrooms)

The intrepid travelers jumped back in the car and went looking for chocolate con queso.  Back over the peak the restaurant we had in mind was no longer open, all that remained was a burnt out shell, so we continued a little further down the road to La Cabana and enjoyed our hot chocolate in the mist

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