Monday, November 8, 2010

The journey home after the race

We meandered slowly from Fort Worth to Katy. We both had the day after the race off work so we could take our time driving back.

After eating breakfast at the hotel we left Fort Worth at about 10am and took 35W to Waco TX. In Waco we took State Highway 77 south through the Texas country side. Around 1pm we were getting hungry so we stopped at The Surrey Inn and Restaurant in Caldwell TX. There was a sign out sided the restaurant advertising a country buffet and a dozen of pickup trucks and SUVs parked outside so we guessed it would be better than any of the fast food restaurants. It was. We had freshly fried catfish and enjoyed it a lot.

About 10 miles further south we decided on a small detour to stretch our legs and drove to the Summerville Lake Park and Marina in the little town of Summerville TX.

It is a beautiful day, there are a few white puffy clouds in the gorgeous blue sky. The temperature is 77 F degrees and there is a gentle wind blowing from the west. The lake is calm, there are a few ducks taking off and landing on the water.

There is a general store in the marina that sells a wide range of fishing lures and equipment, some groceries for use in emergencies by boaters or year round residents of the camp around. The marina shop probably expands its grocery section during the summer camping season. This is a good place to drink beer #123 of my 365Beers365Days quest, so I bought a Miller Lite and drank it on the duck.

While we were sitting, then owner of the marina came out with a bag of duck food and called the ducks by name to be fed. This is George scrambling on to the duck to get his share. The owner told us that if he is late with lunch, one of the ducks knocks her beak on the glass door to the shop and if the door is open she would walk inside quacking for food.

We drove a little further south to the Blue Bell Creamery in Brenham TX where we stopped for ice cream. This sculpture shows the little girl and cow that are the creamery's symbol.

The creamery owners and workers are very proud of the heritage, including this statue that shows three generations of the creamery owners. There is a BlueBell museum and gift shop and tours of the creamery are available during the week.

This antique BlueBell truck is at the entrance to the visitors center. Blue Bell delivers all its ice cream in its own delivery trucks across the 4-state area where Blue Bell ice-cream is sold.

This was the last stop on our weekend break. We had a very enjoyable time and are arriving back in Katy refreshed and rejuvenated.

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