Saturday, August 8, 2009

The drive to Strathaven, exploring Strathaven and a BBQ

Friday August 7, 2009

We started the day after the wedding with a short walk in the local country side before coming back to the castle for a full Scottish breakfast. Then, rather than taking the motorway directly to Andy and Andrea’s house in Strathaven we decided to meander across the Scottish country side towards the west coast.
We drove in a circular route from Moffat to Dumfries to Ayr to Prestwick to Troon. In Troon we parked the car and walked along the seafront and through downtown before stopping for a late lunch at Scott’s restaurant in the Troon marina. Lunch of vegetarian plate with tea and beer was delicious even though the beer was not “real ale”.

We arrived at Andy and Andrea’s a little after 5 pm and met up with the rest of the Stone clan plus Pat and Colin who had already arrived from the castle.
Dinner for nine was chosen from two separate take out menus of Indian and Chinese food and the Stone brothers plus Colin drove downtown Strathaven to pick up the food. While the restaurants, conveniently located next to each other, were preparing the food we went three doors down to the Weavers Arms – a pub - and sampled their beer. The pub had a small selection of real ale including one from a brewery in Strathaven – Strathaven Ales Clydesdale IPA 3.5% A.B.V - which I of course tried. It was good!

Saturday August 8, 2009

A morning for exploring Strathaven (pronounced Stra’ven). Patricia, Pat and Colin and I walked the mile or so from Andy and Andrea’s house to the square in Strathaven which serves as downtown. Pat and Colin then walked to the park while Patricia and I went one block north of the square to what remains of Strathaven Castle. The castle was built in the 1450’s and occupied by the Hamilton family until the 1800’s when it fell into disrepair. Only two walls of the castle are still standing but the surroundings are beautiful and well maintained.

From the castle we climbed the grassy hill to the highest point of the town, the War Memorial monument. We sat here for a while and surveyed the extent of the town beneath us. We could see it all. 6,500 people live in Strathaven. It is mostly a commuter town for people working in East Kilbride or Glasgow.
Next we walked the two miles or so to Strathaven Ales brewery where we took a tour of the brewery – they produce a 1,000 gallons a week in a small rented building no bigger than a double garage - and sampled two more of their beers. The brewery building is an old flour mill that still has a waterwheel, though the channel from the weir is now overgrown and the waterwheel axle through the wall of the brewery has been cemented in place. The brewery would like to restore the waterwheel but unfortunately they have not been able to persuade the building owner that this is a worthwhile exercise.

We walked back from the brewery carrying a three pack sampler of beers and arrived home to find everything getting ready for a barbecue where the family planned to have an early celebration of my 60th birthday. Andy came back from work, Sandy, Mandy and Tara (the dog) joined. Nicola and Stephen arrived and reconnected with the family. Andy and Sandy cooked on the barbecue. What a feast of hamburgers, sausage, steak and chicken legs from the barbeque with three or four different types of pasta salad, breads and rolls, rice and new potatoes all served around a table with a fire in the middle. So even though the temperature was only 15 C everybody had a great time outdoors chatting and drinking a variety of wines, beers and ales. After dinner Andy and Andrea produced a birthday cake with candles for me to blow out. Then Andy presented his special gift of a CD containing a compilation of the #1 records from each five year marks during my lifetime plus Jacquelynn’s and Nicola’s birthdates. Amazing!!! Then I opened cards and presents from Pat and Colin, Derek and Dawn, Andy and Andrea and Sandy and Mandy.

It was a wonderful and unexpected treat. A fantastic evening.

Strathaven Castle

The BBQ at Andy and Andrea's House

The barbecue at Andy and Andrea's house

Strathaven from the top of the hill at the War Memorial

Patricia with a big dog we met at the Strathaven brewery

Nicola, Mum, Stephen and Graham at the BBQ

Patricia at the War Memorial

Mum and Nicola at the BBQ

Graham opening his birthday presents at the BBQ

Graham in Strathaven

Graham at the Strathaven Ales Brewery

A stile at the start of a footpath to the waterfalls, Patricia had never seen a stile.

Graham and Nicola launching a Chinese lantern at the BBQ

Strathaven Castle

Andy, Sandy and Derek at the BBQ

Patricia at the War Memorial in Troon

Patricia by the marina in Troon

Graham walking up the hill towards Auchen castle after a morning walk

Graham by Scott's restaurant in Troon

All at Andy and Andrea's relaxing

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